It brings about hormonal fluctuations and the end of the menstrual cycle and reproductive years. Most women experience it in mid-life, after the age of 45, though that can significantly vary. The perimenopausal phase refers to the time leading up to menopause and usually happens in a women’s ’40s. Postmenopausal women experience no period in 12 or more consecutive months. In Menopause, there’s a decline in hormone levels because the ovaries slowly stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormonal changes and the reduction in estrogen levels can impact quality of life, wellness, and even mental health.

Menopausal Symptoms

Common symptoms of menopause can include:

mood swings weight gain hot flashes night sweats vaginal dryness sleep troubles low libido

Menopausal women may also experience high blood pressure and palpitations. Medications can reduce the severity of symptoms like hot flashes, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may also be used. Some research indicates hormone replacements may increase the risk of breast cancer and other side effects, so it’s worth discussing risks with your healthcare provider.

Perimenopause & Menopause: A Time To Reassess Your Lifestyle Habits & Choices:

It’s essential to nurture yourself during this transitional phase and adopt empowering habits that can help keep stress levels down and hot flushes cooled:

Hydrate and drink at least 2L of water daily. (Pro tip: Add 1-2 drops of supplement grade, organic lemon, grapefruit, or peppermint essential oils to your water for added support.) Eat a clean, energy-giving diet. (Pro tip: Did you know you can use essential oils for cooking?) Use essential oils to relieve stress and increase feelings of relaxation. Rest well when you can. (Aim for 7-8 hours sleep each night). Move your body mindfully. Practice yoga daily Practice breathing exercises daily. Meditate daily.

How A Regular Yoga Practice Can Help Improve Women’s Health:

Yogic practices can help manage symptoms and well-being during this time. Yoga poses (asanas), emphasized in the Hatha Yoga tradition, can help calm the nervous system and adrenal glands. Poses like child’s pose, forward bends, and gentle inversions like downward facing dog may release lower back pressure and soothe back pain. Gentle backbends can also open up the heart center and accelerate healing. Legs up the wall pose is an excellent balancing pose that’s also restorative, no matter what stage you are in life. Yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) are also an effective way to lower stress levels, improve sleep, and recharge the body. Mindfulness meditations and creative visualization exercises, also a part of yogic practice, can be especially beneficial for managing stress and hormonal imbalances.