Rhyming names, or those that start with the same letter, have always been popular for twins. But you can also find the perfect pair in baby names with different spellings but similar meanings. We’ve prepared this list of twin baby boy names with popular and unique options for you to consider, plus some twin girl names, celebrity twin names, and options for twin boys and girls.

What Are Good Names For Twin Boys?

Some popular baby names that can also be good as matching names for twin boys:

Elliott & Elias

Both these biblical names are derived from the Hebrew name “Elijah,” a prophet of God in the Old Testament period:

Elliott is a nonbinary name that means “The Lord is my God.” Elias also means “The Lord is my God” or “Jehovah is God.”

Finley & Kayden

Finley is a powerful boy name, meaning “fair-haired courageous one. This Irish name was traditionally considered a boy’s name but is now used for both boys and girls. Kayden is an American warrior name of Arabic origin. It means “fighter.”

Matteo & Lucas

Matteo is an Italian boy name meaning “gift of God.” It’s a variant of the English name “Matthew,” which is also from the Hebrew name “Mattityahu.” Lucas is also an Italian name. It means “bringer of light” and is a variant of the Greek boy name “Loukas” or the English name “Luke.”

Oscar & Rodger

Oscar is an English name meaning “spear of the gods.” It comes from the Irish Gaelic name “Oscur,” which also means “deer friend.” Rodger is an English name that means “famed spear.” It comes from the Old German name “Roger.”

Rory & Eric

Rory is the English version of the Irish boy name “Ruadhri” or the Scottish name “Ruaridh,” meaning “red king.” Eric is an English boy name that comes from the Old Norse name “Eirikr,” meaning “sole ruler,” “ever powerful,” or “forever ruler.”

Best & Classic Names For Identical Twins

Some of our favorites:

Casper & Jasper

Both names mean “treasurer” or “keeper of treasure” and come from the Latin name “Gaspar,” which also has roots in the biblical boy name “Gizbar.”

Henry and Harry

Both names mean “estate ruler.”

Jacques & Johannes

Jacques is a French boy name that comes from the Late Latin name “Iabobus,” or the biblical boy name “Jacob,” meaning “supplanter.” Johannes is a Scandinavian and German boy name that comes from the Latin name “Ioannes” or the Hebrew name “Yehochanan,” meaning “Yahweh (God) is gracious.”

Jarrett & Barrett

These Old English boy names have powerful meanings:

Jarrett – Spear strong Barrett – Brave as a bear

Jonathan & Jeroboam

Both biblical boy names have Hebrew origin, and they’re names of royal figures in the Bible:

Jonathan – “Yahweh has given”; King Saul’s eldest son (but he didn’t become king) Jeroboam – “The people contend”; the first king of Israel’s Northern Kingdom

Julius & Justus

Julius is a Latin and Greek name meaning “downy-bearded” or “youthful.” Justus is a Latin boy name meaning “just.”

Naming Themes For Twin Boys

It’s nice to consider the meaning when choosing your twins’ names. You can pick names with similar meanings or come from the same theme (e.g., names that mean light, rainbow names, etc.) or those with the same style (e.g., cute boy names or old man names).

What Are Good Twin Boy Names That Rhyme Or Sound Alike?

Many parents pick twin names based on their spelling or sound instead of having matching meanings. Examples include:

Aiden & Caden

Aiden – Irish boy name that means fire Caden – English boy name meaning “warrior” or Arabic name meaning “friend”

Ashton & Braxton

Ashton – English name meaning “ash tree town” Braxton – Old English name that means “Brock’s town” or “badger”

Austin & Brooklyn

Austin – English and Latin name meaning “great” Brooklyn – German gender-neutral name meaning “small stream” or “brook”

Ian & Ryan

Ian – Scottish name meaning “gift from God” or “God is gracious” Ryan – Irish name meaning “little king”

Jackson & Madison

Both are Old English names that started as surnames and can also be used as middle names for boys:

Jackson – “Son of Jack” or “God has been gracious” Madison – “Son of Matthew” or “Gift of God”

Preston & Weston

Both names have British origin:

Preston – Priest’s town Weston – From the Western town

Rhett & Brett

Rhett – Latin boy name meaning “ardent” or “advisor” Brett – British gender-neutral name meaning “a native of Briton (now Brittany, France)”

What Are Cute & Modern Twin Boy Names?

Jackie & Jamie

Jackie – Gender-neutral name that’s also a pet name for the boy name “Jack” or baby girl name “Jacqueline” Jamie – Scottish unisex name; also a nickname for “James”

Jordi & Jocky

Jordi – Catalan form of “George” Jocky – Scottish variant of “Jack”

Xathieur & Xabier

Modern variants of the Galician name “Xavier,” which means “the new house”:

Xathieur – Basque name Xabier – Spanish baby boy name

What Twin Boy Names Go Together (Same Style Or Meaning)?

Alden & Ramon

These names share a similar meaning, “wise”:

Alden – British name that also means “old friend” Ramon – Spanish boy name that also means “guards wisely” or “mighty protection”

Anwar & Abner

Both are names that mean light:

Anwar – Arabic boy name meaning “light” Abner – Hebrew boy name meaning “my father is light”

Asher & Felix

Both names mean “happy” and “blessed”:

Asher – Hebrew origin Felix – Latin origin

Bennett & Baruch

Both names mean “blessed”:

Bennett – English name with Latin origin Baruch – Hebrew boy name

Cyrus & Samson

Both names have links to the sun:

Cyrus – Old Persian name meaning “sun” or “throne” Samson – Hebrew boy name meaning “like the sun”

Frederick & Milo

Both are warrior names:

Frederick – English and German boy name meaning “peaceful ruler” Milo – Slavic and Latin boy name meaning “merciful soldier”

Louis & Walter

These are also powerful boy names:

Louis – French name that comes from the German name “Ludwig,” meaning “famous warrior” Walter – English and German name meaning “commander of the army”

Nicholas & Nicodemus

Both names mean “victory of the people,” derived from the Greek baby girl name “Nike,” the Greek goddess of victory:

Nicholas – English boy name Nicodemus – Spanish boy name

Orlando & Rodrigo

Both names mean famous:

Orlando – Italian boy name meaning “famous land” Rodrigo – Spanish boy name meaning “famous ruler”

12 Mythological Name Pairings For Twin Boys

Greek god names (and their Roman counterparts) are also popular baby name choices for twins. Here are some examples from Greek mythology, plus options from other myths:

Apollo & Phoebus

Apollo is a powerful name that means “destroyer.” He’s both the Greek and Roman god of light, prophecy, and music. Phoebus is an Ancient Greek name that means “bright” or “radiant.” It’s an epithet of “Apollo.”

Ares & Mars

They’re the gods of war and sons of the ruling king and queen of the gods:

Ares – Greek god, son of Zeus and Hera Mars – Roman god, son of Jupiter and Juno

Darius & Jamshid

They’re names of Persian kings:

Darius – Most famous namesakes include the Persian king known as “Darius the Great” Jamshid – Mythological king of Persia

Dionysus & Bacchus

They’re both the gods of wine and fertility:

Dionysus – Greek god Bacchus – Roman god

Eros & Cupid

They’re the gods of love:

Eros – Greek god Cupid – Roman god

Helios & Sol

They’re the gods of the sun:

Helios – Greek god Sol – Roman god

Hephaestus & Vulcan

They’re the gods of fire and the forge:

Hephaestus – Greek god Vulcan – Roman god

Hermes & Mercury

They’re the messenger of the gods:

Hermes – Greek god Mercury – Roman god

Jason & Achilles

They’re famous warriors in Greek mythology:

Jason – Leader of the Argonauts (adventurers and warriors) in Greek mythology; the name means “healer,” but he’s famous for leading the quest for the Golden Fleece Achilles – Famous warrior in Greek mythology; the name means “pain”

Jörmungandr & Joukahainen

Jörmungandr (pronounced as YOUR-moon-GAHN-dr) – Sea serpent (also known as a world serpent because he encircles the world) in Norse mythology Joukahainen (pronounced as you-ka-hi-nen) – Brave young man who challenged the wise old magician Väinämöinen to a spellcasting duel in Finnish mythology

Poseidon & Neptune

They’re gods of the sea:

Poseidon – Greek god Neptune – Roman god

Zeus & Jupiter

They’re kings of the gods:

Zeus – Greek god Jupiter – Roman god

Biblical & Spiritual Twin Boy Names

Some of the popular baby names from the Bible:

Aaron & Moses

They’re siblings in the Bible and were called by God to save His people (the Israelites) from slavery in Egypt:

Aaron – The first High Priest of Israel who spoke for Moses and performed God’s miracles using his staff Moses – The leader who brought the Israelites out of Egypt; as a baby, he was placed in a basket and floated on the river after the Pharaoh (Egypt’s king) ordered that all baby boys be killed

Abraham & Adam

They’re patriarchs in the Bible:

Abraham – Hebrew boy name that means “father of multitudes”; he’s the patriarch of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and also the patriarch of the Israelites (through his son Isaac) and several Arabic nations (through his sons Ishmael, Jokshan, Medan, Zimran, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah) Adam – Hebrew boy name meaning “soil,” “man,” or “fire”; as the first man created by God (as narrated in the Bible), he’s technically the patriarch of all other people

Benjamin & Joseph

Jacob had a total of 12 sons and one daughter with his two wives and their maidservants. However, he only had two children with his favorite wife, Rachel:

Benjamin – Hebrew boy name meaning “son of the right hand”; he’s the youngest of Jacob’s children Joseph – Hebrew boy name meaning “God will give”; he’s Jacob’s favorite son who was sold by his brothers to Egypt as a slave due to jealousy, but he would later save their lives when famine came

Caleb & Joshua

They were two of the brave spies sent by Moses to scout the land of Canaan, known to the Israelites as “The Promised Land”:

Caleb – Hebrew boy name meaning “faithful” Joshua – Hebrew name meaning “Jehovah (God) is generous” or “God is deliverance”

Christian & Christopher

These names have links to Jesus Christ:

Christian – English name with Latin origin meaning “follower of Christ” Christopher – English name of Greek origin meaning “Christ-bearer”

Daniel & Nathaniel

Daniel – Hebrew boy name meaning “God is my judge”; he’s known as a prayerful man who was thrown into the lion’s den but was saved by God Nathaniel – Hebrew boy name meaning “gift of God”; he’s one of Jesus’ 12 disciples and is also known as “Bartholomew the Apostle”

David & Solomon

They’re important kings in the Bible:

David – Hebrew name meaning “beloved”; he killed the giant Goliath with a slingshot when he was just a kid, and is known as one of Israel’s most powerful kings Solomon – Hebrew name meaning “peace”; he’s King David’s son and is known for his wisdom

Elijah & Elisha

Elijah – Hebrew name that means “My God is Yahweh”; he’s a major prophet who didn’t die but was taken by a chariot of fire to heaven Elisha – Hebrew unisex name meaning “God is my salvation”; in the Bible, he’s Elijah’s pupil and successor who witnessed his teacher being taken by the fiery chariot

Isaac & Ishmael

They’re Abraham’s two eldest sons in the Bible and the patriarchs of different nations:

Isaac – Hebrew name meaning “one who laughs”; he’s Abraham’s favorite son who became the father of the Israelites and the religions Jewish and Christianity Ishmael – Hebrew name meaning “God will hear”; he’s Abraham’s eldest son who became the father of the Arab people and Muslims

Isaiah & Jeremiah

They’re major prophets in the Bible:

Isaiah – Hebrew name meaning “Yahweh (God) is salvation”; he predicted the coming of Israel’s messiah (savior), Jesus Christ, and was one of the most important prophets Jeremiah – Hebrew boy name that means “Yahweh will raise”; he pronounced God’s judgment for his wicked people and was known as “The Weeping Prophet”

Jacob & Esau

They’re fraternal twins in the Bible:

Jacob – Hebrew name that means “holder of the heel” or “supplanter”; he came out holding his older twin’s heel and later tricked their father into giving him the birthright blessing Esau – Hebrew name meaning “hairy”; according to the Bible, he sold his birthright to Jacob over a bowl of stew

James & John

These names appear many times in the Bible, including two of Jesus’ disciples:

James – English variant of the Hebrew name “Jacob,” meaning “one who follows” or “supplanter” John – English form of the Hebrew name “Yochanan,” meaning “God is gracious”

Jesse & Jethro

Two of the famous dads in the Bible:

Jesse – Hebrew name that possibly means “gift”; he’s King David’s father Jethro – Hebrew name meaning “abundance”; he’s the Midianite priest who sheltered Moses after he fled Egypt and the father of Zipporah, who would become Moses’ wife

Jonah & Joel

They’re considered minor prophets in the Bible:

Jonah – Hebrew nature name meaning “dove”; he’s famous as the prophet swallowed by a whale and delivered to the shores of Nineveh after disobeying God Joel – Hebrew name meaning “the Lord is God”; he’s known for making prophecies after a severe drought and a locust plague affected Judah (a kingdom of Israel)

Matthew & Luke

They’re the names of important books in the Bible, known as the Gospels (there are four books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John):

Matthew – Hebrew name meaning “gift of God”; he’s one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, but biblical scholars don’t think that he wrote the Book of Matthew (because the gospel was completely written in the third person) (1) Luke – Hebrew variant of the Latin name “Lucas,” meaning “light giving” or “bearer of light”; he wasn’t one of the original 12 disciples but was identified as Paul’s traveling companion and the writer of both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts

Samuel & Nathan

They’re also important prophets in the Bible:

Samuel – Hebrew name meaning “God has heard”; he’s the last of Israel’s judges (leaders), and he anointed the first two kings: Saul and David Nathan – Hebrew boy name meaning “gift from God”; he’s Samuel’s successor (as a prophet) who reprimanded King David for stealing Bathsheba by getting her husband Uriah killed in battle

Nature & Seasonal Names For Twins Boys

Bentley & Brayden

Bentley – British gender-neutral name meaning “woodland clearing” or “meadow with bent grass” Brayden – Irish boy name that means “salmon”; also means “broad” and “wise”

Landon & Brandon

Landon – British gender-neutral name meaning “long hill” Brandon – Old English boy name meaning “fiery hill”

Oliver & Owen

Oliver – Latin and French boy name meaning “olive tree”; also an Old Norse boy meaning “ancestor’s descendants” Owen – Irish and Welsh boy name meaning “born from the yew tree”; also an English form of “Eugene” (from “Eoghan” and “Owain”)

Walden & Wildon

Walden – British boy name meaning “wooded valley” Wildon – English boy name meaning “from the wooded hill”

Unique Names For Twin Boys

Anastacio & Alfonso

Anastacio – Spanish and Italian boy name meaning “resurrection,” from the Latin and Greek name “Anastasios” Alfonso – Spanish and Italian variant of the Germanic boy name “Adelphonsus,” meaning “noble and ready”

Anthelme & Alcide

Anthelme – French boy name that comes from the ancient German name “Anthelm,” meaning “zeal” or “wrath” and “protection” Alcide – Italian and French form of the Latin and Greek name “Alcides,” meaning “strength”

Kai & Lai

Kai – Hawaiian name for boys and girls, meaning “sea”; it also means “shell” as a Japanese name or “warrior” as a short form of the Germanic and Frisian name “Kaimbe” Lai – Chinese name meaning “depend on” or “trust in”

Twin Boy Names Starting With The Same Letter

Names that begin with the same letter can make the perfect pair as twin baby boy names, even if they don’t rhyme or have similar meanings. You can pick from our favorites below.

Names Starting With A

Alan & Alvin

Alan – Celtic baby name meaning “little rock” or “handsome”; variant of the French name “Alain” or the English and Scottish name “Allen” Alvin – Medieval English variant of the Old English name “Ealdwine,” meaning “old friend”

Alfred & Arnold

Alfred – Old English boy name meaning “elf counsel” Arnold – German boy name that means “eagle power”

André & Antoine

André – French and Portuguese boy name meaning “warrior,” coming from the Greek name “Andreas” Antoine – French boy name meaning “highly praise-worthy” or “beyond praise,” coming from the Latin name “Antonius” or English name “Anthony”

Arnan & Amir

Arnan – Hebrew boy name meaning “joyful” or “quick” Amir – Arabic boy name meaning “commander” or “prince”; also a Hebrew boy name that means “treetop”

Arthur & Armand

Arthur – English boy name of Celtic origin meaning “bear man” or “bear king”; popular namesakes include the mythical King Arthur Armand – French variant of the German name “Herman,” which means “army man”

Azariah & Azriel

Azariah – Hebrew boy name meaning “Yahweh (God) has helped” Azriel – Hebrew boy name that means “my help is God”

Twin Boy Names Starting With B

Benny & Billy

Both names can be nicknames or standalone first names for your twin boys:

Benny – Means “blessed” as a nickname for the Latin name “Benedict” or “son of the right hand” for “Benjamin” Billy – Means “resolute protector” or “helmet protector” as a nickname for “William”

Broderick & Beauregard

Broderick – Welsh and German boy name meaning “famous ruler”; also an Irish and Old Norse name meaning “brother” Beauregard – French boy name meaning “beautiful”; also an Old English name meaning “admirer”

Brooks & Briscoe

These are also nature names:

Brooks – Old English nonbinary name meaning “brook” or “small stream” Briscoe – Old man name of Old Norse origin meaning “birch wood”

Bruce & Bryce

Bruce – Scottish, English, and French boy name meaning “the willowlands” Bryce – Scottish gender-neutral name meaning “speckled”; also a variant of “Bryson” and spelled as “Brice”

Buck & Bud

These can also be first names or nicknames:

Buck – Old English boy name that comes from the word “bucc,” which translates to “buck” (a male deer) Bud – English boy name that’s a short form of “buddy,” which means “friend” or “brother”

Byron & Balfour

Byron – Old English country boy name meaning “place of the cow sheds” Balfour – Scottish boy name meaning meaning “village pasture”

Twin Boy Names Starting With C

Cahaya & Chandra

Cahaya – Malay and Indonesian boy name meaning “light” Chandra – Hindi, Nepali, and Sanskrit unisex name that means “moon” or “to shine”

Callum & Cornell

Callum – Scottish variant of the Roman name “Columba,” which means “dove” Cornell – English name derived from the Latin name “Cornelius,” meaning “horn”

Carlisle & Carmicheal

Carlisle – Old English and French boy name that means “light” and “bright” Carmicheal – English and Scottish name meaning “fort of Michael”

Carson & Callahan

Both are surnames that you can also use as first names:

Carson – Scottish name meaning “son of the marsh-dwellers” Callahan – Irish name meaning “descendant of Ceallachán”

Colton & Clinton

These are also surnames that can work as first or middle names for boys:

Colton – Old English name meaning “from the coal town” or “from a colt-breeding town” Clinton – English name meaning “from the settlement on the River Glyme” or “from the settlement on a hill”

Conrad & Cuthbert

Conrad – Ancient Germanic boy name meaning “brave counsel” Cuthbert – Old English boy name meaning “bright” and “famous”

Names Starting With D

Dallas & Darby

Dallas – Old English boy name meaning “valley house” and Scottish Gaelic name meaning “meadow dwelling” Darby – Old English unisex name meaning “deer town” or “deer park”

Darwin & Deacon

Darwin – Old English boy name meaning “deer friend,” from the elements “deor” (deer) and “wine” (friend) Deacon – English name from the Greek word “diakonos,” which means “servant”

Dashiell & Driscoll

Dashiell – English form of the French surname “de Chiel,” meaning “heaven” or “sky” Driscoll – English form of the Irish surname “Ó Eidirsceóil,” meaning “descendant of the messenger”

Derick & Donald

Derick – English form of the German name “Derek,” which means “power of the tribe”; it’s also a short form of the German name “Theodoric,” meaning “ruler of the people” Donald – English form of the Gaelic name “Domhnall,” meaning “ruler of the world”

Dylan & Declan

Dylan – Welsh boy name meaning “son of the sea”; it also means “great tide” from the elements “dy” (great) and “llanw” (tide) Declan – English form of the Irish boy name “Deaglán,” meaning “full of goodness” or “man of prayer”

Names Starting With E

Ebenezer & Elhanan

Ebenezer – Ancient Hebrew boy name meaning “stone of help” Elhanan – Hebrew boy name meaning “God is gracious”

Elmo & Elvis

Elmo – Latin, Greek, and Italian boy name meaning “beloved” Elvis – English name meaning “elf-wise friend”

Ethan & Evan

Ethan – Hebrew boy name meaning “strong and enduring” Evan – Welsh unisex name meaning “the Lord is gracious”; it also means “rock” in Hebrew or a variant of the English name “John”

Ezra & Eastmund

Ezra – Hebrew boy name meaning “help” Eastmund – Old English and Anglo-Saxon version of the English name “Esmond,” which means “protection” and “grace”

Twin Boy Names Starting With F

Fabian & Florian

Fabian – Italian, Latin, and Ancient Roman name meaning “bean-grower” Florian – Hungarian, German, Slovak, and Spanish boy name meaning “flower”

Felipe & Filemón

Felipe – Spanish or Mexican boy name meaning “friend of horses”; it comes from the Greek boy name “Philip” Filemón – Spanish variant of the Greek boy name “Philemon,” meaning “affectionate”

Fernando & Federico

Fernando – Portuguese and Spanish variant of the German name “Ferdinand,” meaning “brave adventurer” or “courageous conqueror” Federico – Spanish and Italian form of the English name “Frederick” or the German name “Frithurik,” meaning “peaceful ruler”

Names Starting With G

Gabriel & Giannis

Gabriel – English angel name coming from the Hebrew name “Gavri’el,” which means “God is my strength” Giannis – Modern Greek form of “John,” meaning “God is gracious”; it comes from the Ancient Greek name “Ioannes” or the Hebrew “Yochanan”

Gavin & Griffin

Gavin – Scottish boy name meaning “white hawk”; variant of the Welsh name “Gawain” Griffin – English form of the Old Welsh name “Gruffydd,” meaning “strong lord” or “prince”

Goddard & Gutierre

Goddard – English and French name coming from the German boy name “Godehard,” which means “hardy” and “brave” Gutierre – Spanish and Hispanic variant of the German boy name “Walter,” which means “ruler of the army”

Names Starting With H

Habakkuk & Haggai

These are rare biblical names you can also pick for your twin boys; they’re both minor prophets in the Old Testament:

Habakkuk – Name meaning “embrace” Haggai – Name meaning “festive”

Hammurabi & Hiawatha

Unique boy names after historical figures:

Hammurabi – Semitic boy name meaning “the kinsman is a healer”; historical figures with this name include the 18th-century B.C.E. Babylonian king who devised the Code of Hammurabi (a collection of laws associated with the saying “an eye for an eye”) Hiawatha – Native American name meaning “he makes rivers”’; historical figures include the Native American chief who founded the Iroquois Confederacy and united the Five Nations: Seneca, Oneida, Mohawk, Cayuga, and Onondaga

Haniel & Hezekiah

Haniel – Hebrew boy name meaning “grace of God”; it’s also an angel name after one of the seven archangels in Jewish lore Hezekiah – Hebrew boy name meaning “God gives strength”; he’s one of the powerful kings of Judah in the Old Testament

Homer & Horace

Homer – English form of the Greek name “Homêros,” meaning “pledge” or “security”; famous namesakes include the Greek epic poet who wrote the “Iliad” and the “Odyssey” Horace – English and French variant of the Latin name “Horatius,” meaning “timekeeper”

Hunter & Harvey

Hunter – English gender-neutral name meaning “pursuer” or “one who hunts” Harvey – Breton boy name that means “battle worthy”

Names Starting With I

Ikaika & Ikram

Ikaika – Hawaiian name that means “strong” Ikram – Arabic boy name meaning “to be generous” or “honor”

Ilia & Ivan

Ilia – Georgian variant of the Hebrew boy name “Elijah,” which means “my God is Yahweh” Ivan – Old Slavic variant of the English name “John,” meaning “God is gracious”

Immanuel & Ieremahel

Immanuel – German boy name coming from the Hebrew name “Emmanuel,” which means “God is with us” Ieremahel – Hebrew boy name coming from the Latin name “Jerahmeel,” meaning “God will have pity”

Twin Boy Names Starting With J

Jamal & Jalil

Jamal – Arabic boy name meaning “handsome” Jalil – Arabic boy name that means “superiority” or “greatness”

Jared & Jude

Jared – Hebrew boy name meaning “descent” Jude – English variant of the Hebrew name “Yehudah” or Latin name “Judah,” meaning “praised”

Jarek & Jaak

Jarek – Polish and Czech boy name meaning “fierce and strong” Jaak – Estonian form of the Hebrew name “Jacob,” meaning “supplanter”

Jayden & Jaylen

Jayden – English gender-neutral form of the Hebrew name “Jadon,” which means “Jehovah (God) has heard” Jaylen – American boy name meaning “healer” or “thankful”

Jeremy & Jelani

Jeremy – English variant of the Hebrew name “Jeremiah,” meaning “Yahweh (God) will exalt” Jelani – Arabic and African boy name meaning “mighty”

Jordan & Justin

Jordan – Hebrew biblical place name for the Jordan River, considered a holy place and Jesus’ baptismal site; it means “flowing down” Justin – English form of the Latin name “Justinus,” which comes from “Justus,” meaning “righteous” or “just”

Names Starting With K

Kallinikos & Konstantin

Kallinikos – Ancient Greek name meaning “beautiful victory” Konstantin – Russian boy name that means “constant” and “steadfast”; variant of the Latin name “Cōnstantīnus” or English name “Constantine”

Kevin & Kyrie

Kevin – English name meaning “beloved birth”; variant of the Irish name “Caoimhín” Kyrie – English gender-neutral name of Greek origin meaning “Lord have mercy”

Klement & Kresten

Klement – Czech and Slovak form of the Latin name “Clement,” which means “merciful” and “gentle” Kresten – Danish variant of the English name “Christian,” meaning “a follower of Christ”

Kratos & Kalani

Kratos – Greek god name meaning “power” and “strength”; he’s the personification of strength in Greek mythology Kalani – Hawaiian gender-neutral name meaning “the heavens”

Twin Boy Names Starting With L

Lazarus & Lemuel

Lazarus – Greek boy name coming from the Hebrew name “Eleazar,” which means “God is my helper”; he died, but Jesus restored his life Lemuel – Hebrew boy name meaning “devoted to God”

Legolas & Lancelot

Legolas – Sindarin (fictional language) boy name meaning “green leaves”; he’s an elvish prince in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” Lancelot – English name that means “servant”; famous namesakes include Sir Lancelot, one of the brave knights from Arthurian legend (King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table)

Logan & Lachlan

Logan – Scottish name meaning “little hollow”; popularized by Hugh Jackman’s fictional “Wolverine” character (also called Logan) Lachlan – Scottish variant of the Irish name “Lochlainn,” which means “viking” or “land of lakes”

Names Starting With M

Mahatma & Muhammad

Mahatma – Sanskrit boy name meaning “great soul”; famous namesakes include freedom activist Mahatma Gandhi Muhammad – Arabic boy name meaning “praised” or “commendable”; famous namesakes include the Prophet Muhammad, revered as the founder of Islam

Merlin & Maikel

Merlin – Welsh boy name meaning “sea fortress” or “hawk”; also a popular boy witch name after the magician in Arthurian legends Maikel – Contemporary Dutch and Spanish version of the Hebrew name “Mikha’el” or the English name “Michael,” meaning “who is like God?”

Myrddin & Manawydan

Myrddin – Original Welsh form of “Merlin,” meaning “sea fortress” Manawydan – Welsh boy name meaning “mountain”

Names Starting With N

Nehemiah & Nathanael

Nehemiah – Hebrew biblical name that means “Yahweh comforts”; he was a prophet and leader of the Israelites who rebuilt Jerusalem after their captivity in Babylon Nathanael – Biblical name coming from the Hebrew name “Netan’el,” which means “God has given”; he was one of the apostles in the New Testament

Nikolai & Neoptolemus

Nikolai – Bulgarian and Russian name that means “people of victory”; it’s a variant of “Nicholas” Neoptolemus – Ancient Greek name that means “new war”; it’s the name of war hero Achilles’ son

Nima & Nadab

Nima – Persian boy name meaning “moon”; it also means “just” and “fair” Nadab – Hebrew boy name that means “generous”; name of Aaron’s son in the Old Testament

Noah & Noel

Noah – Hebrew biblical boy name meaning “comfort” or “repose” Noel – French name meaning “Christmas” or “born on Christmas”

Twin Boy Names Starting With O

Oleksander & Ophiuchus

Oleksander – Ukrainian variant of the English name “Alexander” or Greek name “Alexandros,” meaning “defender of men” Ophiuchus – Ancient Greek name that means “serpent bearer”

Omar & Otto

Omar – Arabic and Hebrew name that means “flourishing” Otto – German boy name that means “wealthy”

Orwald & Ottilie

Orwald – English boy name that means “spear strength” or “divine power” Ottilie – French name meaning “elfin spear” or “prosperous in battle”

Twin Boy Names Starting With P

Pádraig & Poghos

Pádraig – Irish name meaning “of the patrician class”; variant of the English name “Patrick,” which comes from the Latin name “Patricius” Poghos – Armenian variant of the biblical name “Paul,” which means “small” or “humble”

Parker & Porter

These are occupational names:

Parker – English gender-neutral name meaning “keeper of the forest” Porter – English name meaning “gatekeeper”

Patrick & Prince

Patrick – English form of the Latin name “Patricius,” which means “nobleman” Prince – English variant of the Latin name “Princeps” (royal son)

Names Starting With Q

Qadir & Qasim

Qadir – Arabic boy name meaning “powerful,” “mighty,” or “capable” Qasim – Arabic and Urdu (Indo-Aryan language) boy name meaning “one who divides goods among his people”; he’s the son of the Prophet Muhammad

Qamar & Quidel

Qamar – Arabic boy name meaning “moon” Quidel – Mapuche Indian (language in central and southern Chile) name that means “fire” or “burning torch”

Quirijn & Quispe

Quirijn – Dutch variant of the Late Roman name “Quirinus,” meaning “spear” Quispe – Quechua (official language in Peru and Bolivia) name meaning “free” or “glass”

Names Starting With R

Raijin & Rajnish

Raijin – Japanese boy name meaning “thunder” and “god”; he’s the god of thunder and storms in Japanese mythology Rajnish – Sanskrit boy name meaning “lord of the night”; another name for the moon in Hindu

Roman & Rowan

Roman – Latin boy name meaning “citizen of Rome” Rowan – Irish and English boy name meaning “little red one” or “red-haired one”

Twin Boy Names Starting With S

Salim & Salvio

Salim – Arabic boy name that means “safe and sound”; it’s derived from the word “salima” (to be safe) Salvio – Italian boy name coming from the Latin name “Salvius,” meaning “safe”

Salvador & Santino

Salvador – Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalonian boy name coming from the Latin name “Salvator,” meaning “savior”; it refers to Jesus Christ Santino – Spanish and Mexican name meaning “little saint”; it’s a diminutive of the Italian boy name “Santo,” meaning “saint” and coming from Latin word “sanctus”

Selig & Simcha

Selig – German boy name that means “happy” or “blessed”; variant for the Yiddish name “Zelig” Simcha – Hebrew unisex name meaning “happiness” or “joy”

Shemaiah & Shiloh

Shemaiah – Hebrew biblical name that means “heard by Yahweh (God)” Shiloh – Biblical place name meaning “tranquil” in Hebrew

Silvester & Stanley

Silvester – Roman boy name meaning “of the forest” Stanley – English boy name meaning “stone clearing”

Names Starting With T

Taffy & Teddy

They’re both perfect pairs as nicknames or first names for your twin boys:

Taffy – Modern English form of the Welsh name “Dafydd” or the Hebrew name “David,” meaning “beloved”; it also means “a Welshman” Teddy – English and French name meaning “wealthy protector” as a diminutive of “Edward” or “gift of God” as a nickname for “Theodore”

Taylor & Tyler

These are occupational names that later became commonly used as first names:

Taylor – English name meaning “tailor” Tyler – English name meaning “maker of bricks”

Timmy & Tommy

These names are also perfect pairs as first names or nicknames:

Timmy – Diminutive of Timothy (one who honors God) Tommy – Diminutive of Thomas (twin; one of Jesus’ apostles)

Twin Boy Names Starting With U

Ulrich & Uilliam

Ulrich – German boy name meaning “prosperity and power” Uilliam – German variant of the English name “William,” meaning “resolute protector”

Uzziah & Urijah

Uzziah – Hebrew boy name that means “my power is God” Urijah – Hebrew boy name meaning “God is my light”

Names Starting With V

Valentino & Vincenzo

Valentino – Italian and Spanish boy name meaning “strong” and “healthy”; variant of the Roman name “Valentinus” or classic English name “Valentine” Vincenzo – Italian boy name meaning “to conquer”; a variant of the English name “Vincent” or the Latin name “Vincentius”

Veremund & Verginius

Veremund – Latin variant of the German boy name “Waramunt,” which means “cautious protection”; several kings have this name in Galicia, Asturias, and Leon Verginius – Ancient Roman boy name meaning “pure”; famous namesakes include Lucius Verginius Rufus, a Roman commander of the Germania Superior

Viggo & Vojtech

Viggo – Swedish, Danish, and Old Norse boy name meaning “war” Vojtech – Slovak variant of the Polish name “Wojciech,” which means “warrior” or “joy”

Vincent & Victor

Vincent – English form of the Latin name “Vincentius,” meaning “to conquer” Victor – English boy name meaning “victor” and “conqueror”

Names Starting With W

Wilbur & Woody

Wilbur – Middle English boy name meaning “wild boar” Woody – American boy name meaning “from the lane in the woods”; also a diminutive for “Woodrow,” which means “row of houses by a wood”

Wyatt & Wolfgang

Wyatt – Old English name meaning “battle” and “brave” Wolfgang – German boy name meaning “traveling wolf”; it comes from the German words “wulf” (wolf) and “gang” (path)

Names Starting With X

Xander & Xavier

Xander – Modern short form of the Latin name “Alexander” or the Greek name “Alexandros,” which means “defender of men” Xavier – Arabic, Basque, and Spanish boy name meaning “the new house”

Xanthus & Xenon

Xanthus – Greek boy name meaning “golden-haired” Xenon – Greek boy name meaning “foreigner” or “guest”

Xhelal & Xerxes

Xhelal – Albanian and Arabic boy name meaning “greatness” or “brilliance” Xerxes – Persian boy name meaning ruler over heroes; famous namesakes include a king of Persia who figured in the Battle of Thermopylae, which inspired the legend of the 300 Spartans

Xoán & Xoel

Xoán – Galician unisex form of the English boy name “John” or the Hebrew name “Johanan,” which means “Yahweh is gracious” Xoel – Galician form of “Joel,” meaning “Yahweh is God”

Twin Boy Names Starting With Y

Yale & Yves

Yale – Welsh name meaning “fertile land” Yves – Medieval French form of the German name “Ivo,” meaning “yew”

Yehuda & Yeshua

Yehuda – Another variant of the Hebrew name “Judah,” which means “praise” Yeshua – Another form of the Biblical Hebrew name “Joshua,” meaning “God is my salvation”; also linked to “Iesous,” the Greek form of “Jesus”

Yonah & Yosef

Yonah – Another form of the Hebrew name “Jonah,” which means “dove” Yosef – Another variant of the Hebrew name “Joseph,” which means “he will add”

Names Starting With Z

Zander & Zayden

Zander – Modern form of the Dutch name “Xander,” a diminutive of “Alexander,” meaning “defending men” Zayden – Arabic name meaning “increase” or “growth”

Zayne & Zachary

Zayne – Hebrew boy name meaning “God is gracious” Zachary – English form of the Hebrew name “Zechariah,” which means “Yahweh (God) remembers”

Zef & Zak

Both can be used as nicknames or first names

Zef – Short form of the Dutch name “Jozef” or the English name “Joseph,” meaning “he will add” Zak – English diminutive of “Zachary,” meaning “ Yahweh (God) remembers”

Twin Names For Boys With The Same Number Of Syllables

Adonis & Alexis

These 3-syllable boy names can be a fun pair for your twins:

Adonis – Greek mythology name meaning “handsome man” Alexis – Another variant of the Latin name “Alexius” or the Greek boy name “Alexander,” meaning “defending man”

Jay & Jax

Jay – First name or diminutive for “Jason” or “James”; also a nature name after a bird species Jax – First name or diminutive for “Jackson”; also another form of the English name “John” or the French boy name “Jacques,” meaning “God is gracious”

Jin & Jon

Jin – Chinese name for boys and girls, meaning “money,” “gold,” or “tapestry” Jon – Scandinavian and Basque form of the English name “John”; also a short form of “Jonathan”

Tristan and Priam

Tristan – Celtic gender-neutral name meaning “melancholy”; a knight in Arthurian legends Priam – Greek name meaning “Trojan king” or “a king of Troy”

Twin Names For Boys With The Same Origin

Sanskrit & Indian Twin Boy Names

Akash & Aman

Akash – Means “upper sky” Aman – Means “peaceful” and “honest”

Aravind & Makarand

Aravind – Masculine flower name meaning “lotus” Makarand – Boy name meaning “bee” or “nectar”

Arohan & Aradhan

Arohan – Means “to rise up” Aradhan – Means “worship”

Dharmendra & Jitendra

Dharmendra – Means “Lord of dharma and righteousness” Jitendra – Means “conqueror”

German Twin Boy Names

Adelmo & Albrecht

Adelmo – Old German and Italian boy name meaning “noble protector” Albrecht – Old High German name that means “noble,” “bright,” and “famous”

Andel & Ansel

Andel – German, Czech, and Greek boy name meaning “God‘s messenger” Ansel – German boy name meaning “with divine protection”

Burkhart & Bernhardt

Burkhart – German and Dutch boy name meaning “strong as a castle Bernhardt – German boy name meaning “strong as a bear”

Randolf & Roderick

Randolf – German name meaning “rim of a shield” or “wolf” Roderick – Germani boy name meaning “famous ruler”

Irish Twin Boy Names

Admanh & Aodhan

Admanh – Irish, Gaelic, and Hebrew name meaning “man” or “red earth”; variation of “Adam” Aodhan – Irish boy name meaning “little fiery one”

Aidan & Eatan

Aidan – Irish and Celtic boy name meaning “little fire” Eatan – Irish and Gaelic boy name that means “strong”

Dainéal & Deaglán

Dainéal – Irish form of the Hebrew name “Daniel,” meaning “God is my judge” Deaglán – Irish and Gaelic form of “Declan,” meaning “prayerful man”

Bonus List: Celebrity Names For Twin Boys

Aaron and Shawn Ashmore – Canadian actors Andrew and Steven Cavarno – American actors Benji and Joel Madden – Musicians of the band “Good Charlotte” Blake and Dylan Tuomy-Wilhoit – American actors Brent and Shane Kinsman – American actors, known for their roles in “Cheaper by the Dozen” and its sequel Bryan and Denny Kirkwood – American actors Charles and Max Carver – American actors Christian and Joseph Cousins – American actors Conrad and Bonar Bain – Canadian actors Dylan and Cole Sprouse – American actors, known for their roles in “The Suite Life of Zack & Cody” Elliott and Luke Tittensor – English actors Jason and Jeremy London – American actors Jon (actor) and Dan Heder (visualization and previsualization artist) Kenny and Keith Lucas, known as “The Lucas Brothers”; they’re actors, writers, and filmmakers Marcus and Lucas Dobre – known as the “Dobre Twins” on Vine Nicholas Brendon and Kelly Donovan – American actors Oliver and James Phelps – English actors who played the Weasley twins in the “Harry Potter” films Paul and Peter Allen Vogt – American actors Tiki and Ronde Barber – American football players

Factors To Consider When Naming Twins

Choosing the perfect names for your twins can be a big challenge. Here are some ideas to help you out:

Names That Rhyme

Many parents choose rhyming names for twins because that can be an easy way to signify that they’re born as multiples. The names don’t have to start with the same letter or have the same meanings as long as they sound alike.

Names With Matching Meanings

Name pairings with matching meanings are also popular, including the name equivalents of Greek and Roman gods (and goddesses). You can also pick two different spellings or variants of the same name. However, check if the two names won’t sound the same because that can lead to more confusion in telling the twins apart. For example, it might seem like a good idea to pick “Lucas” and “Luke” because they have different spellings for the same name. Remember, however, that “Lucas” can also be shortened to “Luc,” which sounds like “Luke.” Instead, you can look for names that don’t sound the same and also have different spellings. For example, Xathieur (Basque name) and Xabier (Spanish boy name) both mean “the new house” and are modern variants of the Galician name “Xavier.”

Names Starting With The Same Letter

It’s also good to choose name pairings from the same letter. However, note that even if these name pairs don’t have to mean or sound the same, it’s still good to check their meanings. You might want to consider names that still have similar themes. Otherwise, one twin might end up with a strong name while the other has a weak one. For example, it’s not a good idea to pair a name that means “prince” or “noble” with one that means “servant” or “worker.”

Gender Considerations (Other Twin Name Ideas & Themes)

Mixing and matching nonbinary or gender-neutral ideas as twin boy names can be easier, but some names are easily distinguishable as masculine or feminine.

Names For Twin Girls

Some examples of twin girl names:

Delilah & Thalia Hope & Faith Scarlett & Sienna

Names For Twin Boys & Girls

Some combinations for twin boys and girls:

Nicholas & Sophia Michael & Michelle

Anime baby names Black boy names Black girl names Italian baby names Korean baby names Male Greek god names Rainbow baby names

REFERENCES (1) https://isjesusalive.com/did-matthew-write-the-gospel-of-matthew/