These could be structural defects or ill-fitted furnishings, or it could be some weatherproofing issues. If not noticed within the given warranty period, these troubles will entail quite a significant amount of additional expenses that you might not be prepared for. Hence, homeowners will have to look out for certain features before confirming the handover or moving into the apartment.

Air Circulation Problems 

You should first understand what a trickle vent means. It is basically a tiny opening in a window to let sufficient air in and out of homes. These vents, when closed, help to seal in the heat during cold weather.  Thus, it is helpful for effective air circulation and maintains heat inside any given room for longer periods of time. However, if these trickle vents are not installed properly, hot air might seep in during the summer and cold air during the winter. Thus, your energy bills will spike unnecessarily due to increased heater and air conditioner usage.

Tile Vent Issues

This is a more common problem if you move into a house and hence have a roof. Tile vents are the vents found in roofs that help in the circulation of air inside the house itself. New homes might not always have tile vents, and they are crucial if you have a heater at home. The most common tile vent problem is related to connection issues.  If the vents aren’t installed correctly and the fitting is poor, you might face a lot of trouble in the near future. It’s not just trouble but also a dent in your wallet! If these aren’t fixed, you might face problems with the release of vented air. 

Brickwork Pointing

You must remain careful about the placement of bricks if you are purchasing a new home. If you are present while the house is being constructed, then this is definitely something you should be looking out for. Rectifying a faulty Brickwork Pointing is charged per square meter and is actually quite expensive. If your new home has defective Brickwork Pointing, then it might lead to seepage of water, a distinct characteristic of a poorly built house and therefore inspecting a new house is crucial. During winter, this might lead to frost damage and damp walls throughout. However, this is long-term damage. It won’t happen immediately, but the damage is actually caused slowly over time. 

Incorrect Decorative Hardware installation

Imagine moving into a brand new home and seeing paint peeling off from the walls. This might seem unreal, but it has happened to quite a lot of new homeowners and is one of the most common problems of newly built houses. When you first see the house or apartment, everything might seem up to the mark, but they might not actually have been maintained properly.  Decorative issues when it comes to new homes are the worst because it is bound to catch people’s attention, regardless of whether it is big or small. You must always make sure to inspect the decorative hardware from at least 2 meters from the surface, and under daylight so that you miss out on nothing. 

Problems with Loft insulation 

Loft insulation is not something that can be missed out on, and it is also something that creates the maximum amount of problems when being installed. Every new homeowner must be additionally vigilant when the loft insulation is being installed. This is because in case the loft insulation is installed incorrectly, the remedy to it is not a very inexpensive solution.  There are certain cases where the loft insulation is missing from home altogether, and you fail to notice it until the very last moment before you’re moving in. This does nothing but creates very complicated problems for the future. 

Windows and doors 

If you have recently become a homeowner, then the last thing you will expect to find fault in is the fittings of the newly installed doors and windows. They are new, so they must have been flawlessly installed, right? Interestingly, one of the most common types of flaws that are found in new homes is that of the ill-fitting of doors and windows. They may be bowed in the wrong direction or might be either too big or small for their respective frames. Even if the size isn’t the problem, then the doors can either have scratches on them or maybe be incorrectly installed too. So, look out for these problems. 

Incorrect Sealant Application

If you have seen homes with inconsistent application of sealant before, you have a vague idea of how unappealing it looks to visitors. Hence, it is only valid that you would want to make sure that the same isn’t the case when it comes to your house. You wouldn’t want to give an impression that you were in such a hurry to move into your new home that you wouldn’t even let the sealant be put in properly, right? So make sure that the sealant has been put in properly before you move in. You can prevent damp walls in this way.

Gutter Issues

Blocked guttering not only mars the look of your house but also creates a lot of problems in your kitchen and bathrooms, leaving behind foul smells. The rainwater that is supposed to be drained through the gutter cannot get drained due to blockage. The rainwater, as a result, is forced to move up under the roof. This is exactly what will cause leakage from your roof in the near future, and thus it must be prevented. Repairing blocked gutters might be a huge cost to bear because this requires quite a lot of high-end equipment for proper repairing and is not an easy task. It is also one of the most common issues in old houses. 

Get Home Insurance!

When purchasing and moving into a new home, the first and most logical thing to do would be to invest in a home or homeowners insurance. Now, what does homeowners insurance cover? It will cover any repair or damage that is seen either in the exterior or interior of the house. Not only does the building get insured, but also the contents inside it. So you basically get saved from a whole lot of expenses by just investing in good home insurance. Be it an event of natural disaster, a fire, or burglary, your home will remain safe and secure. However, you must go through the different insurance policies to check what they quote for home insurance in Colorado. Remember, studying the terms and conditions help you get a comprehensive understanding of your insurance policy and strike a better deal.


Given above is a guide for first-time homeowners. Once you tick all these boxes, buying your dream house is no more a hassle. 

8 Unexpected Troubles That Could Arise in a New House  Homeowners Beware  - 64